Ice Gaming
(+49) 1773969536
Curaçao, Willemstad

IceGaming Bet Terminal Systems

  • Bet Terminal Systems
  • Live + Pre Matches
  • Make a Ticket
  • Professional Design

Bet Terminal Systems

Providing location flexibility and extensive player outreach, terminals are suitable for locations such as betshops, coffee shops and gas stations. The Terminal BackOffice application is a specialized tool dedicated to each terminal and it handles the daily transactions, processed tickets, terminal reports, operator shifts and access cards, terminal’s hardware configuration, maintenance mode, billing information per terminal, balance recovery, and much more.
Centralized terminal management through BackOffice application
Specialized terminal backoffice for on-premise configuration and insights
Operator, Shift and Money management supported
Cashless mode, primary and secondary displays supported
Support for 3rd party marketing content and banners
Claiming device with a single code
Technical support and rich reporting available
Low-end and best buy hardware configurations supported
Software compatible with IceGaming’s SSBTs or 3rd party SSBTs
Licensed Official Software
Convenient Terminal Design